
Feb 19, 2015
Update on Caltrans’ Last Chance Grade Project
Caltrans recently held a series of public workshops seeking input from the public as the agency considers possible alternatives and...

Feb 17, 2015
EPIC in Review
EPIC submitted substantive comments on the Draft Working Group Charters for the California Timber Regulation and Forest Restoration...

Jan 28, 2015
Action Alert: Tell Caltrans to study impacts before advancing the Four Bridges Project
Avenue of the Giants The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is proposing to upgrade four existing bridges along the...

Jan 25, 2015
Save Richardson Grove: Think Globally, Act Locally
Since 2007, EPIC has been working to protect some of the most well-known giant redwoods in the world from the California Department of...

Jan 15, 2015
Caltrans Setting Sights on Redwood National Park
EPIC is committed to finding the least environmentally destructive alternative for this project and will work tireless to hold Caltrans...

Dec 9, 2014
Plans Halted for Widening Highway Through Ancient Redwoods in California’s Richardson Grove State Pa
“This is an important victory stopping a nonsensical project that would have done terrible damage to an ancient grove of giant redwoods...

Jul 28, 2014
Third Lawsuit Filed to Prevent Caltrans From Vandalizing Ancient Redwoods in Richardson Grove State
Photo by Juan Pazos SAN FRANCISCO— Following two previously successful federal and state court legal actions, conservation groups and...