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Annual Reports

EPIC 2023 Annual Report cover, with a photo of a northern spotted owl peeking out from behind a tree.
EPIC 2022 Annual Report cover, with a photo of a snowy conifer forest.
EPIC 2021 Annual Report cover, featuring a river lined with boulders and conifer trees, under a blue sky.
EPIC 2020-21 Annual Report cover, featuring a newt on moss.
EPIC 2019-2020 Annual Report cover, with a photo of a stream flowing through a redwood forest
EPIC 2018 Annual Report cover, featuring a riparian forest with conifer trees in the foreground.
EPIC 2017 Annual Report cover, featuring a redwood forest with sunlight streaming through the trees.
EPIC 2016 Annual Report cover, with a photo of a river lined by large boulders and a red background.
EPIC 2015 Annual Report cover, with a photo of a waterfall and a teal background.
EPIC 2014 Annual Report cover, with a photo of a silhouetted redwood tree with sunlight halo & green background.
EPIC 2013 Annual Report cover, with a photo of a wildfire silhouetting a firefighter and a blue background.
EPIC 2012 Annual Report cover, with a photo of a northern spotted owl in a tree, and a green background.
EPIC 2011 Annual Report cover, with an underwater photo of salmon in a river and a white background.
EPIC 2010 Annual Report cover, with a photo of a redwood forest and a brown background.
EPIC 2009 Annual Report cover, with a black/white northern spotted owl illustration surrounded by text.
EPIC 2002-03 Annual Report cover, with photos of a river, forest & wetland and orange background.
EPIC 2001 Annual Report cover, with photo of estuary and blue background.
EPIC 1999-2000 Annual Report cover, with a black/white photo of a foggy forest and white background
EPIC 1998 Annual Report cover, with photo of old-growth redwood colored in orange/burnt umber.
EPIC 1997 Annual Report cover, with old EPIC logo featuring redwood, marbled murrelet, trillium & salmon.
EPIC 1996 Annual Report cover, with old EPIC logo featuring redwood, marbled murrelet, trillium & salmon.
EPIC 1995 Annual Report cover, with old EPIC logo featuring redwood, marbled murrelet, trillium & salmon.
EPIC 1994 Annual Report cover, with old EPIC logo featuring redwood, marbled murrelet, trillium & salmon.

advocating for northwest california since 1977

The Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC) is a grassroots 501(c)(3) non-profit environmental organization founded in 1977 that advocates for the science-based protection and restoration of Northwest California’s forests, watersheds, and wildlife with an integrated approach combining public education, citizen advocacy, and strategic litigation.


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