Have you gone online in 2019 looking to find a Timber Harvest Plan (THP) and found that the website has been disabled? Don’t worry, it’s not just you, and, no, no one is purposefully hiding THPs from you—instead, the State of California Natural Resources Agency, California Department of Forestry and others have created and launched a new website and interface for finding, viewing, reviewing, and tracking THPs and all other permits for private (non-federal) timber harvest in California.
The new website and interface for THPs and other state/non-federal timber harvest permits and related documents is called CalTrees. The new site can be found here: https://caltreesplans.resources.ca.gov/caltrees/.
The new website and interface are not structured at all in the same way as the old THP website, and interacting with, and navigating on CalTrees is not intuitive to those who have used to the old site and system. To assist users in familiarizing themselves with the new website and interface system, state agencies and developers of the new CalTrees interface have produced a user guide and manual that can be accessed and downloaded as a PDF here: https://www.fire.ca.gov/media/3952/caltrees_user-guide_external-user-v12.pdf
The new CalTrees website and interface for THPs and other related documents is a potentially very powerful and user-friendly tool once you get the hang of it. EPIC is working on a more user-friendly guide to the new site, so stay tuned to the EPIC newsletter and website for instructional tutorials that will help you more quickly and seamlessly streamline your ability to find, review, and track THPs using the new CalTrees system!
As always, you can find out how to review a timber harvest plan on the EPIC website here: https://wildcalifornia.org/how-a-timber-harvest-plan-works
And you can check out EPIC’s updated tutorial for locating and reviewing a THP here: EPIC’s THP Review and Comment Workshop.