July 3 Rally at Rainbow Ridge
Under the watchful eye of a Lear security guard, Humboldt Redwood Company’s private security firm, over 50 people gathered on July 3rd to rally in solidarity with the forest defenders who are on the front lines protecting the ancient forests of Rainbow Ridge, located within the north fork of the Mattole watershed. One activist “Rook” has set up a platform in a tree called “Trickster”. Since the platform has been erected, HRC has logged several adjacent trees, and shortly after, two tree voles moved into the tree that Rook is living in.
During the rally, updates were given by Forest Defenders and the Lost Coast League, a poem was read, prayers were spoken by a Yurok elder, and there was even a play depicting the lives of a family of spotted owls living in a forest that is being logged.
During the updates, the crowd was told that Rook has had very minimal food and water because Lear security guards have been restricting access and confiscating supplies, and that the private security company has also installed alarms near the tree sit so that they would be alerted if anybody came near Rook’s tree.
At the end of the rally, a group of elders asked the Lear security guard who remained parked in his truck at the gate entrance for the duration of the rally, if he could deliver food, water and supplies to Rook. Initially he said that he could not guarantee if the supplies would be delivered, but after a while we were told that the supplies would be delivered. However, it was later reported on social media by @blockade.babes that “…Rook observed Paul Trouette, the CEO of the security guards, go through it and pour out some of a bag. The rice cracker bag was torn up and when they got it there was only a handful in there.”
Next Rally July 13th
Forest defenders are organizing another rally at Monument Gate this Saturday, July 13th at 11am. Here is the announcement from EF Humboldt:
We will be gathering to show opposition to Humboldt Redwood Company’s logging within the zone of the threatened Northern Spotted Owl and showing solidarity with the brave tree-sitters putting their bodies on the line. We are also presenting a brand new proposal to HRC: “Alternative for a Future”.
Will there be live music? Yes!
What about art? Oodles of it, including screen-printed shirts, paintings, and poetry. Need more entertainment? Worry not, there will even be a play! The lineup of speakers will be both informative and inspirational. We’ll see you on the front lines on Saturday! Show your support for tree-sitters and the Northern Spotted Owl!
From Hwy 101 take exit 681 (Rio Dell) and follow Wildwood Avenue south through town.
Just before crossing the bridge into Scotia, turn west (uphill) onto Monument Rd. Veer left at
Pacific Ave to continue up Monument.
Monument gate will be on your left 5 miles after the turn off Wildwood.