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Action Alert: Support Clean, Renewable Energy in Humboldt County

Take Action Now! On Thursday, February 28, the Redwood Coast Energy Authority will consider whether to transition its electric energy sourcing to 100% clean, renewable power by 2025. The move was brought to RCEA Board of Directors by recommendation from RCEA’s Community Advisory Council.

Previously, the Cities of Eureka and Arcata, together with the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors and the McKinleyville Community Services District, have passed resolutions expressing their support. This move is further supported by the Environmental Protection Information Center.

Decarbonizing our energy infrastructure is necessary to address the threat of climate change. Currently, Humboldt County only derives 42% of its energy from “renewable sources,” with the rest provided by large hydroelectric (40%) and other sectors (18%). The move towards 100% clean energy would place Humboldt at the forefront of the clean energy movement.

“In order to confront global climate change it is imperative that we move past fossil fuels and towards renewable energy,” said Tom Wheeler, Executive Director of EPIC. “The Green New Deal begins at home: this is something that Humboldt County can and should do.”

Clean, renewable is now cost competitive with more traditional sources of power, such as burning fossil fuel, and prices are expected to continue to drop as technology improves and more renewable energy sources are added to the grid. Currently, customers of RCEA can choose to purchase 100% renewable power through the agency at a cost of just $.01 per kilowatt hour, or approximately $5 month for an average household. By increasing the total amount of renewable energy purchased, RCEA is also creating a strong incentive for local renewable energy development.

RCEA is a joint powers authority founded in 2003 to develop and implement sustainable energy initiatives that reduce energy demand, increase energy efficiency, and advance the use of clean, efficient and renewable resources available in the region. RCEAs members include the County of Humboldt, the Cities of Arcata, Blue Lake, Eureka, Ferndale, Fortuna, Rio Dell, and Trinidad, and the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District.

Supporters of clean energy are encouraged to attend the Feb. 28th meeting. The meeting will be held at the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District Offices at 828 7th St., Eureka, CA 95501. Clean energy supporters will rally outside the building at 3:00 and the meeting will kick off at 3:15.


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