THANK YOU to EVERYONE who came out to support EPIC at the Spring Gala!!
The entire Board and Staff of EPIC would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to all of the people who were a part of our Spring Gala for the dedication of their time, energy, and resources to this incredibly successful event. This ingenious celebration of our environmental advocacy was possible due to the contributions of the artists, musicians, performers, and spectacular cooks who were responsible for the dinner and show. The event came off with breathtaking ease due to the generosity, stamina, and commitment of all the volunteers who were involved. Thank you all for expressing the craftsmanship intrinsic to serving as the guardians of your wild California!
Special thanks to ALL of the MORE than 70 VOLUNTEERS!
Tryphena Lewis for taking on the unbelievable role of coordinating and planning the entire event, including creating the delicious dinner and bar menus!
Natalia Boyce and the entire kitchen crew for making the amazing food & desserts;
Brandi Winch and the Humboldt Fire Girls who served up the hors d’oeuvres and dinner with such style;
Chakeeta Garabenian, the Circus of the Elements and the Ink People for their spectacular fire dancing;
Andrew Goff for being such a fun and engaging emcee;
To BOTH BANDS Petunia and the Vipers & Sour Mash Hug Band for their years of dedication to their craft and gracing us with their musical talents;
To ALL THE ARTISTS who supported the event and donated so generously to the silent auction–Joan Dunning, Megan Sandstrom, Thomas Dunklin, Patricia Sennott, Laurel Skye, Augustus Clarke, Sierra Martin, Peter Carlson, Joyce Jonte, Jacob Brauning, and Marcy Stein;
To Shawnee Alexandri, and his crew, for their talent, patience and hard work creating and installing the tent-like structure, and to Mike and Ed of the Arcata Community Center for all their help;
To all our friends and community who traveled from afar to bring their support (from Sacramento, San Francisco, Oakland, Oregon) it meant a lot to have you there, thank you!
And to the EPIC Board (Dian, Noah, Josh, Heather, Joan, Hezakiah, Shawnee, Bruce…) THANK YOU!

This event was a wonderful mix of art and entertainment, and for those of us in the intimate circle of EPIC it was particularly exciting to express the artistic side of our technical advocacy that combines law, science, and politics to defend native ecosystems and endangered species. This art is the creative spirit that will accompany us as we design a sustainable and ecologically wise relationship with our bioregion. Thank you for being a part of this celebration with us.
EPIC 2013 Spring Gala Business Supporters and Silent Auction Donors: David Gray of Total Beverage Solution (Humboldt Hemp Ale, Red Nectar Ale & Nectar IPA) Mad River Brewery Lost Coast Communications (KHUM, KSLG, & Lost Coast Outpost) KMUD Signature Coffee Whitethorn Winery Garden Gate Vintage Avenger Baroni B&B the Color Salon Water Planet Pleasure Center Old Town Coffee Pacific Paradise Tall Tree Designs Arcata School of Massage Tomo Sushi Dell’Arte Belle Star Shoshana Redwood Raks Morning Star Soul to Soul Foot Bar Clothing Dock Little Shop of Hers Jamie Bellermann Dana Hope Redwood Curtain David Sandercott Couple Cups Greenwired Renewable Energy Solutions Libation Circus of the Elements Marjo Ribeiro Tracy Rain Redway Feed Beneficial Tea Company Cornerstone Computers Global Village Gallery 3 Fold Design Arcata Pet Supply Humboldt Connection Danielle Donaldson Yi Fang Bead Supply Abraxas Henderson Center Bicycles Many Hands Gallery