In solidarity with the ongoing efforts of the Redwood Forest Foundation (RFFI), EPIC wants to encourage you to support permanent protection for 50,000 acres of working forest by sending a quick email to decision-makers in Sacramento today. RFFI needs your support, on a matter that is vitally important to RFFI and the Northern California region. We must act now to tell the Wildlife Conservation Board to support funding for a conservation easement for the Usal Redwood Forest at a meeting this Thursday, February 24. To go straight to the action center and send the letter, click here.
The Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) is scheduled to hear and vote on the easement sale for the Usal Redwood Forest at their February 24 (Thursday) board meeting. Funding of the easement by the WCB will permanently protect almost 50,000 acres of working forest from development, maintain sustainable forestry practices, restore degraded ecosystems and provide for permanent resource related employment.
This is the first and absolutely crucial step in RFFI’s vision to establish community-based forests that will provide critical habitat for increased biodiversity, address climate change and improve regional economic vitality.
For RFFI’s vision to become a reality, we need the WCB to approve funding for the sale of a conservation easement on the Usal Redwood Forest to The Conservation Fund without delay.
Please contact the WCB and tell them of your strong support for the Usal Forest easement.
To send a letter to all nine Wildlife Conservation Board members, please click here.