Jul 21, 2015
Take Action: Klamath River Runs Brown!
Take Action Now to stop Westside: A few short but intense rain storms hit the 2014 fire areas on the Klamath National Forest causing...
Aug 21, 2014
Victory: Wildlife Habitat Protected
After decades of defending the old-growth surrounding Garden Gulch Trail from road building and logging, this perfect post-fire forest...
Aug 20, 2014
Rally to Save Klamath Salmon
The Klamath River is home to one of the most spectacular salmon fisheries on the planet, but in recent weeks, fish have been washing up...
Jul 15, 2014
Caltrans Agrees to Reevaluate Impacts of Del Norte Highway Project on Endangered Salmon
“The North Coast community deserves a project that does not put salmon and the Smith River at risk, as well as an honest assessment of...
Apr 28, 2014
Wolf Recovery an Imperative for Ecosystem Restoration
The importance of recovery of viable populations of wolves on the landscapes of Northern California has been clear to EPIC since before...
Aug 5, 2013
Updated Action: Severe Drought Leaves Klamath Salmon Thirsty for More Water
Update: On August 22, Judge O’Neill ruled that water will be released from the Trinity Reservoir to prevent another fish kill in the...
May 30, 2013
Lawsuit filed to Protect Wild Coho Salmon in the Trinity River from Harmful Fish Hatchery Operations
The Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC) recently filed a lawsuit aimed at reforming the antiquated and harmful operations...