
Jul 30, 2015
ACTION ALERT: Final Push for the Protection of Pacific Fishers
Take Action: The Pacific fisher needs your help. The fisher is a candidate for protection under the California Endangered Species Act....

Jan 28, 2015
Take Action—Tell the Fish and Wildlife Service to Protect the Pacific Fisher
The Pacific fisher faces many threats to its survival and conservation. From logging to roads, stand-replacing wildfires and...

Aug 21, 2014
Victory: Wildlife Habitat Protected
After decades of defending the old-growth surrounding Garden Gulch Trail from road building and logging, this perfect post-fire forest...

Apr 12, 2010
Joint Lawsuit Filed to Protect Pacific Fisher
Late last week This little critter has been decimated by historic fur trappers and their habitat destroyed by widespread old-growth...

Feb 11, 2010
EPIC and Allies Intend to Sue to Protect Pacific Fisher
In 2004, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service acknowledged that the threat to fishers—whose populations were diminished by historic fur...