
Dec 15, 2022
Action Alert: Tell Caltrans to Stop Logging Old Growth in State Parks
On Highway 199, Caltrans is currently logging old-growth redwoods in Jedediah Smith State Park. How are they getting away with this?...

Mar 23, 2022
Caltrans Put on Notice: New NEPA Analysis Necessary for Richardson Grove
The Richardson Grove project has been in development for over a decade. In that time, significant new information has emerged that has...

Dec 6, 2021
New Study Finds Caltrans's Construction Project Destructive to Iconic Redwoods
The proposed Richardson Grove Project, a proposal by Caltrans to realign Highway 101 through the old-growth redwoods of Richardson Grove...

Dec 6, 2021
Two Successes In The Fight To Save Jackson Demonstration State Forest
First, on September 22nd at a meeting of the Board of Forestry, former CAL FIRE Chief Thom Porter called for a review of the JDSF...

Sep 14, 2021
Statement on Richardson Grove
Our campaign to protect Richardson Grove State Park against a risky proposal to widen the highway through a grove of ancient redwoods...

Jul 16, 2021
Sign the Petition: Protect Wildlife Connectivity with the Shasta-Trinity Wildlife Crossing Project!
Sign the petition today! Northern California and southern Oregon contain numerous important connectivity corridors connecting the Cascade...

Jun 1, 2021
Three MAJOR Updates from the Defense of Richardson Grove
The struggle to save the ancient redwoods of Richardson Grove State Park continues and we have three exciting updates to share with you....