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Richardson Grove Benefit Sept 4 at Beginnings

Support Richardson Grove at Beginnings on Sunday, September 4

On Labor Day weekend we’ll celebrate our treasured Richardson Grove and the well-earned Preliminary Injunction to stop the road-widening project.

Help raise funds for the Dec 1 hearing when Richardson Grove goes to court!  EPIC’s lawsuit will drive home the solid science of the McBride findings.  We can win!  And it takes big bucks to go to court.

Enjoy wonderful music!  Marjo Wilson Band will climax the evening, rocking out & bringing all dancers to our feet.  Joanne Rand will play a set including her new Richardson Grove song.  The set by Jefferson Parson and his Raspberry Jam Band will include all 5 of his original Grove songs.  And hey, it’s Jefferson’s 70th Birthday — so it’s a double celebration.

Do come early for a marvelous evening.  Doors open at 5:00, dinner starts at 5:30 by Sue’s Organics.   Beer and Wine available.  Music during dinner includes other singer-songwriters with songs honoring the Grove: Jan Bramlett, Bud Rogers and Jessie Rubin.   Following an invocation by Native Elder Jene McCovey, Gary Hughes will give an update on the campaign to Save Richardson Grove.

Then it’s dessert — delicious tasty treats donated by the community.  Get your energy up while Joanne plays, then put on your dancing shoes for Marjo.

We look forward to building the spirit of the Grove with you and assuring success in court!

Thanks to everyone who helped us meet our $5,000 goal last month to pay our portion of the court ordered bond for the injunction!

We did it! With your help we can keep the momentum growing!


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