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Rally Caltrans to Stop Richardson Grove Widening: Noon Feb 7

A new network of activists organizing against the ill-advised Caltrans project at Richardson Grove State Park, called Richardson Grove Action Now have organized a rally for the public, at noon on February 7 at District 1 Caltrans in Eureka. This rally will offer opponents of the project an opportunity to instruct District 1 Deputy Director Charlie Fielder to cancel the controversial project that threatens ancient redwoods and Richardson Grove State Park. Amidst two lawsuits challenging the legality of project planning and a lack of public input, the agency barrels forward toward project construction.

“It seems that we have no other choice than to bring our message straight to the decision-makers,” said Kerul Dyer, EPIC’s Richardson Grove campaign coordinator. “Even with two lawsuits pending, the agency continues to barrel ahead with tunnel vision. They seem dead set on damaging the gateway into the redwood region.”

Over the last three years, the campaign to protect Richardson Grove State Park from the ill-advised Caltrans project has collected thousands of letters in opposition, generated tens of thousands of online protest actions and organized dozens of events to educate the public about the myth that local businesses need the project to thrive.

“The many citizen activists who have led this coalition have carried a message forward, but to deaf ears,” said Dyer. “These people can see no other option than to stage a rally at the doors of Caltrans. Perhaps then they will have to listen to the public’s concerns for the trees, and our local community.”

While EPIC, the Center for Biological Diversity, Californians for Alternatives to Toxins, and five citizen plaintiffs are engaged in a lawsuit challenging the plan in California and Federal courts, the grassroots campaign continues to gain momentum. A public update and planning event will take place at the Bayside Grange February 2, at 5 p.m.. In Southern Humboldt, Richardson Grove Action Now organizers have extended an invitation to meet on Sunday, February 6 at noon in the Garberville town square to coordinate efforts for their rally next monday.

For more information about the rally or other events, call (707) 602-7551 or write


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