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Oppose Legislation that Prevents Clean Water Act Permitting for Pesticide Applications (SB 718)

Photo Courtesy of Sylvia Ounpuu

Currently, over 1,000 of the country’s waterways are known to be polluted by pesticides at levels that are harmful to fish, wildlife, and human health.  A 2009 US Court of Appeals case orders EPA to require pesticide applicators to get Clean Water Act permits before spraying toxic pesticides on or near the nation’s waterways.  However, current efforts in the US Senate, initiated by the chemical industry lobbyists, are attempting to undermine these environmental protections by eliminating EPA’s authority to issue permits to protect our watersheds from pesticide pollution.  Please help us to stop the industry shenanigans by contacting YOUR SENATORS today and letting them know that it’s critical to protect our fish, wildlife and human health from pesticide contamination.We need a strong EPA Clean Water Act permit to mitigate harmful pesticide applications and to restore the health of our waterways.

The debate over permits for aquatic pesticide spray is heating up in the US Senate Ag Committee.  Industry lobbyists are lining up fast to pressure our Senators to favor a bill that will allow toxic chemicals to be applied in our waters unchecked.  And a vote is expected in the next couple of weeks.  Right now, we’re hearing from our Senators, those we consider our “champions,” that they don’t think they can oppose the bill.  We can’t all go to DC to outnumber the farm bureau, chemical industry, and pesticide lobbyists head on, but we can let our Senators know that we care and that we want them to vote NO on S718

Here’s how:

  1. Click here to send your Senator a message that we want the Clean Water Act to protect our watersheds from toxic pesticide spray.

  2. Forward the action alert to just ONE friend and have them do the same.

  3. Contact your Senator’s office TODAY and speak with staff about why it’s important for your Senator to oppose this legislation.  You can talk generally about pesticides being harmful, or you can talk specifically about a waterbody you live or recreate near. 


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