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Welcome California's Newest Wolf Family: The Shasta Pack!

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

California wolf pups.
California wolf pups. Photo courtesy of California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

The Shasta Pack of Northern California is a family of seven gray wolves, two adults and five pups! The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) just released photos of the pack, which are all dark in color. The pups appear to be a few months old and approximately 35-40 pounds.

CDFW had set up additional trail cameras after earlier photographs recorded a single canid in May and July. More photographs and video of the Shasta Pack are expected next week.

In anticipation of wolves returning to golden state, EPIC worked to see the gray wolf listed as endangered under the California Endangered Species Act. In June 2014, the California Fish and Game Commission voted in favor of listing. This was also the day that first OR-7 pups were confirmed. The gray wolf continues to be listed in California under the Federal Endangered Species Act; therefore, it is illegal to harass, harm, pursue or to engage in any such conduct.

Please stay tuned for more updates and the opportunity to comment on the California Wolf Plan later this year.

Our grass-roots organization is supported by people like you, so if you would like to help us protect wolves, please make a contribution.


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