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Luis Neuner

Harbor District Releases CEQA Notice of Preparation on Offshore Wind Heavy Lift Terminal

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

A wind turbine blade being transported by boat in the English Channel. Photo by Arriva436 via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0).

On June 26, 2023, the Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District released its Notice of Preparation (NOP) of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Humboldt Bay Offshore Wind Heavy Lift Multipurpose Marine Terminal Project, announcing that a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) DEIR is being developed for the Project. As required by CEQA, the release of the NOP marks the beginning of a 30-day review and public comment period. UPDATE: The Harbor District has chosen to extend the Notice of Preparation comment period through August 25, 2023 (previously August 3). All comments must be received or postmarked on or before August 25, 2023. Stay tuned for an EPIC action alert coming soon!

Additionally, there is an opportunity to learn about the Project and give in-person comments during the public scoping meeting on July 12, 2023 from 5:30-7:00pm at the Wharfinger Building located at 1 Marina Way, Eureka, CA. Make your voices and concerns regarding port development heard, and help guide the Harbor District through the permitting process!

About the Project

Potential Conceptual Plan for Port. Plan provided by Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District.

The Project involves the build-out of around 180 acres of industrial site located on the Samoa peninsula into a Heavy Lift Terminal capable of assembling wind turbines to support clean energy targets on the West Coast. It will include various facilities, terminal equipment, storage space, and in-bay modifications. For an extensive walk-through of this undoubtedly massive Project, see the Harbor District’s conceptual plans released in the NOP.

NOTE: This Project is port-specific, meaning the NOP and the subsequent DEIR focus solely on the potential development in Humboldt Bay, not the proposed offshore wind development off the coast of Humboldt.

What’s EPIC asking?

We want to ensure that any port development happens responsibly. To make that happen, we will look to ensure a strong, robust, and transparent CEQA process that identifies, studies, and—to the greatest extent possible—mitigates all impacts that can and will occur during construction and throughout the lifetime of this port project.

Along with our allies, we see this as a ripe opportunity to advocate for the inclusion of zero-emissions targets and green port practice to ensure this terminal becomes a state-of-the-art facility while minimizing the damaging effects associated with noisy and polluting ports. See a more detailed description of our ask in our op-ed in the Lost Coast Outpost. We would be honored to have your support on this!

Community engagement on this subject is critical, and we hope you will find time to engage, learn, and participate in this process.


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