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Green Diamond To Host Public Meeting to Receive Community Feedback

EPIC and others have recently received notice from

Green Diamond Resource Company (ex-Simpson Timber) that the company intends to convene a public meeting to solicit feedback from the community on its forestry practices. The public meeting is to be held on Wednesday, February 13th, at the Bayside Grange (2297 Jacoby Creek Road), from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. 

This Green Diamond public meeting has been scheduled against a back-drop of growing discontent in the community at large with Green Diamond’s green-wash and double-speak.  While Green Diamond aspires to portray an image of itself as a responsible forest manager and upstanding member of the community, the company at the same time continues to propose forest management that completely contradicts the companies’ public relations statements.

Examples of this include a Timber Harvest Plan, approved in 2011, which would allow 80 acres of clearcutting outside of Trinidad along the popular and picturesque Strawberry Rock trail.

Further evidence of Green Diamonds indignant disregard for ongoing stakeholder involvement in maximizing the conservation potential of globally important protected areas with the use of restoration forestry techniques is the companies’ proposal to clearcut 70 acres in the heavily impacted Elk River watershed within a short distance of the Headwaters Forest Reserve.

In response to the proposed Green Diamond clearcutting along the Strawberry Rock trail, a community-based group has convened a campaign to protect the site, and has proposed a public meeting to discuss possible options.  The Friends of Trinidad Forest Strawberry Rock meeting will be held on Saturday, February 9th from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Trinidad town hall. Please attend this meeting to learn more about the threats to Strawberry Rock, and to prepare for the Wednesday, February 13th public meeting to be hosted by Green Diamond.

Green Diamond continues to operate under the bogus certification standard of the industry-driven Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). EPIC has worked vigilantly to expose the company and the SFI label as unsustainable and, ultimately, a national case study in “greenwash” contrived to hide the truth about the destruction of the redwoods on Green Diamond lands.

EPIC encourages the community to attend this upcoming Green Diamond public meeting and to tell the company exactly what you think of its forestry practices.  The company needs to hear loud and clear from our community that its antiquated and unsustainable practices are no longer tolerable.  We will see you there!

 What: Green Diamond Resource Company hosted Public Meeting

When: Wednesday February 13 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM

Where: Bayside Grange, 2297 Jacoby Creek Road, outside of Arcata

Why: To communicate concerns about Green Diamond practices, and to propose solutions that will reduce and eliminate the ecosystem and climate damage being caused by Green Diamond’s intensive clearcutting of the redwood temperate rainforest.


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