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Expert Panel on Northwest Forest Plan Amendments, July 8th

The Power in Nature Coalition Far Northern Regional group, which EPIC leads, will be hosting a virtual expert panel on the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP). The existing NWFP has provided management direction for over 24 million acres spanning across 17 national forests and other federal land in western Washington and Oregon, and northwestern California. The plan was originally adopted in 1994 to protect threatened and endangered species, such as the northern spotted owl, while contributing to regional social and economic sustainability. The plan set overall management direction and guidance for the plan area, identifying desired conditions and standards and guidelines to achieve them.

This summer, the NWFP is going to be having a Draft Amendment with a 45-day public comment period. The NWFP was established nearly 30 years ago, and there have been significant changes since then in forest densities, climate change impacts, increased risks to forests and communities from wildfires, and changes in public uses of the area. This amendment will provide an updated framework to guide management that considers current science and local economic, social, and environmental conditions. The amendment will affect direction for a part of the Northwest Forest Plan area: 19 million acres of National Forest System lands.

This Draft Amendment comment period offers an opportunity for 30x30 conservation through the better protection of species and lands. This panel will host Steve Holmer from the American Bird Conservancy, Ryan Henson from CalWild, and EPIC’s very own Tom Wheeler. Our panelists will inform folks on this opportunity for conservation and what their organizations will be focusing on in their amendment recommendations.

Register here to attend the Zoom meeting on Monday, July 8th at 2pm PST. The panel will be recorded. Please reach out to for more information.


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