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EPIC Challenge for Richardson Grove

Challenge for EPIC’s Richardson Grove Legal Fund:

We need to raise $10,000 this week

Please join EPIC in protecting the old growth redwood ecosystem in Richardson Grove State Park. With your help, we can ensure the grove receives the type of stewardship that a world-class park deserves. For the last four years EPIC has successfully stopped Caltrans from starting construction on their ill-conceived project. To continue in those efforts, we need your support right now.

I am writing today to ask for your help to raise ten thousand dollars, for our Richardson Grove Legal Fund.

Ancient redwoods are some of the tallest and oldest living things on earth. Old growth redwood forests provide important habitat for endangered species and a cathedral-like, peaceful setting for personal reflection. The incredible roots of these trees provide the lifeblood for their health and the structural integrity they need to stand tall. These globally famous organisms are found nowhere else on the planet except for Northern California.

Caltrans has plans to impact the structural root zone of at least 87 trees, averaging about eight feet wide, within Richardson Grove State Park.

Caltrans claims that their actions will not hurt the trees, but the California State Parks issued guidelines that clearly direct the agency on how to conduct their construction projects within parks.

“There should be no construction activities in the Structural Root Zone of a protected tree….Any Intrusion into this zone is usually accompanied by significant injury to roots further from the trunk; this will shorten the useful life of the tree in the developed area by reducing vigor and introducing root disease. Furthermore, damage to any structural roots may cause an already structurally compromised tree to become hazardous,” California State Parks Standards on construction.

Caltrans’ plan to widen Highway 101 at Richardson Grove does not address the real risks to this ancient grove, and downplays the significant economic and ecological value of our state parks. Our state parks are being starved of funds, while the narrow management focus on highway development in Richardson Grove is completely insufficient for beginning to resolve the complex economic and ecosystem protection needs of our community.

We need your support in order to stop this shortsighted project and advocate for responsible parks stewardship and transportation management in our region. Thus far, EPIC and our allies have engaged in an effective legal strategy in state and federal court that has succeeded in delaying construction. Last month, Caltrans signed a stipulation to postpone the bidding of the project until at least July 1.

This is the time to build on that momentum and to contribute to assertive advocacy for our remaining redwood ecosystems. With the incredible dedication of our supporters, EPIC has risen to the challenge facing our parks, and stepped up as a leader to protect Richardson Grove.

This message marks the launch of a fast-moving community action, as we must take assertive actions in legal arena to insure that the merits of our case are heard before any construction takes place. Your contribution helps make these actions possible.

Your donation will also help elevate our grassroots efforts to reach lawmakers in Sacramento and insure that our voices are heard.

As a community we can stop this project!

Please consider adding your support to the growing number of people pledging sizable donations to this cause. All donations are tax-deductible. Donations can remain anonymous, or can come with a public Thank You that will be part of our comprehensive strategy to achieve environmental protections across the Northwest California region.


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