On September 27th, Governor Gavin Newsom sided with the Trump administration and industry lobbyists when he vetoed
SB 1, which would have safeguarded California’s wildlife and wild places from federal efforts to dismantle bedrock environmental laws. SB1 was passed by the California senate and assembly in a recent attempt to prevent the federal rollbacks of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA), the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and the federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969. Beginning in 2017, the Trump Administration has launched a series of challenges to these federal laws and the protections they have provided for decades.
Agricultural water districts and wealthy farming interests spent endless resources to lobby against SB1, because it would have required the Central Valley Project to comply with the Endangered Species Act – a requirement that would have prevented big ag from taking too much water from the Bay Delta ecosystem and Northern California’s rivers, which could result in lethal temperatures in these watersheds where endangered salmon are already on the brink of extinction.
Click here to take action! Please take a moment to personalize a message to Governor Newsom expressing your disappointment in his actions of putting industry before endangered species, the environment and communities.