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EPIC Staff

Take Action for our Humboldt County Forests

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

This map is available at Humboldt County General Plan website.

Take action to protect our forests! Attend the Planning Commission Hearings throughout May and June. The Commission intends to continue the ongoing discussion of the Forest Resources section of the Humboldt County General Plan. Currently, future hearing dates identified include: May 20th and 27th and June 10th , 17th & 24th.

It is important that we participate in the long range planning of our forests by ensuring that the General Plan preserves undeveloped timberlands and ensures long-term sustainability of timber resources.

The health of our forests is at stake. Some of the areas slated to be rezoned from Timber to Residential under the proposed General Plan alternatives include: at least 20 areas north of Highway 299 that are owned by Green Diamond Resource Company; land in and near the McKay Tract, Fieldbrook, Jacoby Creek, and Westhaven; and other places we may not yet know about.

The Commission will determine additional meeting dates depending on the volume of testimony and time necessary for deliberation. We need the community’s help to provide checks and balances in our own backyards. To view your neighborhood on the County’s interactive map that includes zoning under the General Plan Alternatives visit the County’s GIS Map website.

An example of one of the areas of concern is the McKay Tract. Developers have petitioned the County numerous times to rezone a portion of the North McKay Tract in Cutten from Timber Production (T) to Residential Low Density (RL). The proposed rezone would facilitate a sprawling 320 unit mixed use development in a forested area that exists outside of district and city boundaries. Although the County never approved the General Plan Amendment to rezone the property, it is proposed to be changed from T to RL under all of the General Plan alternatives (except the “D” the No Project Alternative). This area is of particular importance because it is adjacent to the Ryan Creek Watershed, which is habitat to the Northern Spotted Owl and Coho Salmon.

Take action now and get involved in the General Plan meetings to help protect the unique ecosystems we are so lucky to have here on the North Coast. The hearings will be held in the Board of Supervisors’ Chamber at the Humboldt County Courthouse, 825 Fifth Street in Eureka Thursdays at 6:00pm. To be placed on the email list to receive notices of the hearings please contact Martha Spencer at (707) 268-3704 or by email at

To view the Planning Commission Hearing Draft, support documents and a schedule of the proposed hearing dates for the Draft Plan go to


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