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Richardson Grove in Court: Supporters Needed!

Where will you be on March 28th?

Come show your support! EPIC and allies will be back in court on March 28th in Eureka at 1:45, defending our most recent case filed in the Humboldt County Superior Court. We should be in Courtroom 4, but due to a shortage of courtrooms, we might get moved on the day of. Please check the directory by the elevators to determine the correct courtroom.

Caltrans is trying to kill our lawsuit through a “demurrer”—arguing that we, the plaintiffs, are barred from bringing a new case because this case is too similar to a case that we have previously filed. We obviously disagree. Caltrans has materially changed the project and has seemingly increased the level of impacts of the project on old-growth redwoods. This is a BIG court date for Richardson Grove because if EPIC is successful, we have the potential to stop Caltrans from moving forward with the project. We need your support in court to show the judge that the public wants to protect Richardson Grove State Park from more asphalt and big rigs.

As a refresher, EPIC has THREE! ongoing lawsuits to protect Richardson Grove: our new federal and state cases, filed this summer and fall, and our original state court case which resulted in the ongoing injunction against Caltrans. On March 6, Caltrans moved to stop the new state lawsuit. Supporters of the Grove were there in force! Over 50 people crammed into the tiny courtroom to show their love of the ancient redwoods of Richardson Grove State Park. We are still waiting on a ruling on that case, but your presence made a difference!

EPIC and allies have held back the bulldozers and cement trucks for over a decade. We are in it for the long haul. Thank you standing by us all this time. Your support makes all the difference.

Planning to attend? RVSP to Tom at We will likely have a friendly post-court beer to discuss next steps on what we can do to protect the sacred grove.


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