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Headwaters Trail Stewardship Day a Success!

On Sunday, June 12th, ten communities members joined EPIC staff and representatives of the BLM Headwaters Forest Reserve management for a volunteer Trail Steward Day on the South Fork Elk River Trail in the Headwaters Forest Reserve. The all-day event entailed 11 miles of hiking, a tailgate lunch session at the work site, and approximately three hours of work repairing a failing trail segment, located approximately 4.5 miles from the trailhead. The community members provided the muscle, and the BLM provided the tools, as a dangerous section of trail was recontoured, stabilized, and fallen logs and branches removed to allow for easier access. Fallen brush was also cleared from several other spots along the trail on this very successful volunteer work day in Headwaters. EPIC wishes to thank all those that came out to help make this day a success!


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