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Action Alert! Tell Green Diamond: No Clearcuts in Elk River

Take Action Now! Green Diamond Resource Company (formerly Simpson Timber Company) is proposing intensive and damaging clearcut logging in the heavily impacted Elk River watershed.  Timber Harvest Plan 1-12-113 HUM “McCloud Creek East #5” proposes over 70 acres of clearcutting in the McCloud Creek watershed, a tributary to the South Fork Elk River, a stone’s throw away from the globally important Headwaters Forest Reserve.

Unlike other land managers in the Elk River watershed, Green Diamond continues to propose intensive clearcutting, road construction, and potentially the use of toxic chemical herbicides.  Clearcut logging as proposed will result in decreased canopy interception and transevaporation, resulting in increased water production and sediment transport to a watershed already suffering from intensive sediment impairment.  Please refer to our December 18th blog post for greater detail about the plight of Elk River and the destructive details of Green Diamond’s new McCloud Creek Timber Harvest Plan.

Take action now and you will be a part of the growing momentum to curb the greenwashing excesses of Green Diamond (ex-Simpson). Tell Green Diamond to stop clearcutting in Elk River and through out their properties.  Tell Green Diamond that intensive evenaged forest management in the Elk River watershed is no longer acceptable, a relic practice from the past that has been shown to result in intensive environmental damage.  Tell Green Diamond to manage for forest and watershed restoration recovery, not for intensive extraction and profit.  Tell Green Diamond to Be a Good Neighbor and to Respect the Headwaters Forest Reserve.


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