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Action Alert: 30X30 Survey

Governor Gavin Newsom recently pledged to conserve 30% of California by 2030. The goal is based on a scientific consensus that conserving that much land is necessary to prevent a catastrophic loss of biodiversity and climate change. And now, the government wants to hear from the public about how best to go about doing that. So, he created this survey that any Californian can fill out and let him know how best to accomplish that goal.

We here at EPIC believe that preserving our state’s forests is the best way to achieve this ambitious target. The reason is that our forests are essential for carbon sequestration, biodiversity, and as places of outdoor recreation. We’re particularly excited about transforming working timberlands into carbon reserves that can become part of the climate change solution instead of part of the problem.

One such place where Newsom could easily make an impact is Jackson Demonstration State Forest (JDSF). JDSF is already owned by the State of California but it’s currently operated by the government as a commercial timberland. With a simple change in legislation or regulation, JDSF could be transformed into a carbon reserve designated for biodiversity conservation and outdoor recreation. And because JDSF is full of coast redwood trees, which sequester carbon at an amazing rate, it would become one of the best tools in our arsenal for fighting climate change.

Let Governor Newsom know your priorities when it comes to meeting our state’s 30×30 goals.


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