Sep 4
ACTION ALERT: Urge the Six Rivers National Forest to Rethink the Rattail Logging and Road Building Project
Please urge the Mad River Ranger District to consider a less harmful alternative to the Rattail "Logging and Roadbuilding" Project.
Aug 27
New Report Reveals Unregulated Emissions Sabotaging California’s Climate Goals
EPIC has joined a coalition to push for more transparency around pollution and climate change impacts from California’s logging industry.
Aug 6
Good Gone Bad: Clearcutting on the Smith River
The Little Jones Creek Pilot Project, which promised forest restoration, has instead turned into clearcutting by the Forest Service.
Jun 25
EPIC to Sue to Protect Owls from Federal Logging Project
EPIC, together with the Klamath Forest Alliance, Conservation Congress, We Advocate Through Environmental Review, and Mount Shasta...
Jan 31
ACTION ALERT: Urge the Forest Service to Protect Mature & Old-Growth Forests Nationwide
On December 19, 2023, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Forest Service announced a proposal “to amend all 128 forest land...
Sep 12, 2023
EPIC's Vision for Northwest Forest Plan Revisions
The Northwest Forest Plan is working. The Plan, developed by federal agency scientists at the direction of President Clinton, is the...
May 31, 2023
ACTION ALERT: Urge Biden to Protect Federal Mature & Old-Growth Forests from Logging
Please join us in urging President Biden and his administration to create a strong, lasting national rule that protects mature and...