Jul 9
On Species Extinction, Barred Owl Removal and Saying Hard Things
EPIC supports barred owl removal because it is necessary to stop the extinction of the northern spotted owl. We have been accused of...
Oct 17, 2023
ACTION ALERT: Urge Mendocino National Forest to Say No to Toxic Herbicides
Take action! The U.S. Forest Service is proposing a project to reduce the extent and spread of invasive plants across the Mendocino...
Aug 15, 2023
Upcoming Community Events on the North Coast, August-October 2023
There are lots of exciting community events on the North Coast coming up in the next two months that we want to share with you and warmly...
Aug 1, 2023
Invasive Plant Pull Volunteer Workday at Sue-meg State Park August 12th
Please join EPIC and California State Parks North Coast Redwoods District on Saturday, August 12th from 9am-1pm for an invasive plant...
Feb 28, 2023
BeeOdiversity Works with Bee Colonies to Study Environmental Quality & Biodiversity
You’ve heard we have to save the bees, but can bees help us save the planet? That’s the mission of BeeOdiversity, a company that is using...