Case Documentation
EPIC has brought and won many important environmental lawsuits in Northern California. From our historic battle over the Headwaters Forest to our struggle to protect the Northern Spotted Owl and many other endangered species, we are a leader in progressive legal action in defense of our bioregion. Below is a compilation of EPIC’s legal history.
EPIC v. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Southern Torrent Salamander)
EPIC et al. v. Tuttle, et al. (Coho Take Case)
EPIC and the Sierra Club v. CDF and Pacific Lumber (The Hole in the Headwaters)
EPIC v. Tuttle (California’s Logging Rules Don’t Protect Coho Salmon)
Agency and California Building Industry Association (CEQA Guidelines Case)
Californians for Alternatives to Toxics and EPIC v. CDF (Vegetation Management Case)
CATs, EPIC, Humboldt Watershed Council v. EPA (Herbicide Impacts on Endangered Species)
EPIC v. EPA (EPA’s Failure to Consult on TMDLs)
Sierra Club, EPIC, et al. v. Bosworth and USFS (Big Bar Salvage: Six Rivers National Forest)
EPIC v. Pacific Lumber Company and U.S. EPA (Point Source Litigation)
EPIC and American Lands v. USFS (Fire Management Plan)
EPIC v. California Board of Forestry (Big Timber Relief Package)
EPIC v. Blackwell, et. al. (Divide Auger: Ancient Forests in the Yolla Bollys)
EPIC, et al. v. Blackwell, et al. (Westpoint Timber Sale: Klamath/Marble Mountains)
East Fork Timber Sale: South Fork Trinity
EPIC, et al. v. USFS (Knob Timber Sale, Klamath National Forest)
EPIC and Sierra Club v. CDF (All Species Grove)
EPIC and Coastal Headwaters Association v. CDF I (Goshawk Grove I)
EPIC and Coastal Headwaters Association v. CDF II
EPIC and Sierra Club v. Board of Forestry (Owl II)
EPIC v. California Department of Forestry (Tom Long Creek)
Little River Alliance and EPIC v. CDF
Children for Old Growth and EPIC v. CDF (Turwar)
Marbled Murrelet and EPIC v. Pacific Lumber (Owl Creek Federal Case)
Coastal Headwaters Association and EPIC v. CDF (Goshawk Grove II)
EPIC v. CDF (3-Acre Exemptions)
Sierra Club and EPIC v. Keefer and CDF (State Headwaters Exemption)
THRON and EPIC v. Pacific Lumber, et al. (Yager Creek)
Oregon Natural Resource Council, et al. v. Brown (Coho Salmon Listing)
Oregon Natural Resources Council, et al. v. Brown (Steelhead Trout Listing)
Planning and Conservation League, et al. v. DFG (CESA Protection Suit)
Marbled Murrelet, Northern Spotted Owl and EPIC v. Bruce Babbitt, et al. (Federal Exemption Suit)
Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations, et al. v. Marcus (303 d Suit)
Coho Salmon Defense Project and EPIC v. DFG and CDF
Hayden et al. v. California Fish and Game Commission (Chinook Listing Suit)
Pacific Lumber v. United States of America (PL Takings Suit)
Mendocino Environmental Center and EPIC v. DFG (Sinker Logging)
Hayden v. California Fish and Game Commission (Chinook Take Suit)
Piercy Watershed Association and EPIC v. Osipowich (McCoy Creek THP)
EPIC and Friends of Gilham Butte v. CDF (Gilham Butte THP)
EPIC v. CDF, et. al. (THP-003 Owl Creek Residual)
Pacific Lumber v. Marbled Murrelet (Salvage Logging in Headwaters)
EPIC and Sierra Club v. Pacific Lumber
EPIC v. Simpson Timber Company and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
EPIC v. Simpson (Challenging Simpson’s Northern Spotted Owl HCP)
Coho v. National Marine Fisheries Service (Coho Critical Habitat)
EPIC v. CDF and Pacific Lumber (Sustained Yield Plan)
EPIC and Sierra Club v. CDF and Pacific Lumber (State Challenge to the Terms of Headwaters Deal)
EPIC and Center for Biological Diversity v. Daley (Gravel Mining Case)
EPIC v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Dredging/Oil Spill Case)