Come explore Last Chance Grove, the old-growth forest of Del Norte Coast Redwood State Park that is being considered as a location for a bypass route around the Last Chance Grade slide. This route is one of 6 alternatives that Caltrans is currently examining to get around the unstable geology that is currently threatening Highway 101 by Crescent City. Few people have ever journeyed to this area of the forest, be sure to check out what could be lost.
EPIC is a stakeholder on the Last Chance Grade Project and has actively groundtruthed the various alternatives within the project to asses which have the least environmental impact. Pictured below is Alternative A2, one of six routes that is being considered. Alternative A2 would reroute 3.2 miles of Highway 101, creating an 85 acre construction footprint, including 3 acres of old-growth redwood in Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park.
The old-growth in Last Chance Grove within Alternative A2 are irreplaceable. Therefore it’s EPIC’s position that this alternative, if selected, would result in the largest environmental impact.
EPIC staff and friends have developed a 360 video to help capture the beauty of Last Chance Grove. Click this link for a full 360 panoramic video of the grove!

Photo by James Adam Taylor. Pictured is EPIC Director of Communications and Development, Briana Villalobos using Avenza maps to ground truth and track which trees are proposed for removal in the project plan. A silver tag, marked 86 is subject to removal if the alternative is chosen.

Photo by James Adam Taylor. The view through the valley of Last Chance Grove. In the distance is tree #174, marked by it’s hollow – this tree would be lost in the proposed Alternative A2. If you look closely to the left, you can see the silhouette of Briana Villalobos for scale.

Photo by Nick Kemper. An ancient old growth tree marked #174. This tree is proposed for removal in the Alternative A2.

Photo by James Adam Taylor. White stakes and tape mark the potential highway route of Alternative A2. EPIC staff member gazes alongside an old-growth redwood proposed for removal.

Photo by Nick Kemper. A glimpse of the abundance of old-growth wilderness in Last Chance Grove. Rhododendron, ferns, and redwoods living in harmony.

Photo by Nick Kemper. A view of the valley in Last Chance Grove and a seasonal creek that may be at risk if the proposed Alternative A2 is chosen.