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EPIC Speaks up for Northwest California Forests

EPIC’s California Forest and Wildlife Advocate made the trip down to the Central Valley to be present in the halls of Sacramento politics and decision-making last week, to represent the voice of Northwest California’s forests. On Thursday, February 16, Rob spent the day at the California Environmental Protection Agency building in downtown Sacramento, attending a meeting of the California Air Resources Board, and an inter-agency workshop on the Draft California Forest Carbon Plan. The Air Resources Board has been charged by the State Legislature with developing and implementing California’s aggressive and innovative policies to combat and adapt to global and regional climate change.

On the morning of February 16, the Air Resources Board heard an update from its staff on the development of the 2017 Scoping Plan Update for attainment of greenhouse gas reduction targets established by the State Legislature last fall by the passage of SB 32, which calls on the state to reduce GHG emissions to 20 percent below 1990 levels by the year 2030. In the afternoon, an inter-agency hearing and workshop was held to take public input on the Draft California Forest Carbon Plan, released on January 17, 2017, which is intended to be the roadmap for how California forests are managed into the future to augment California’s overall GHG reduction and carbon dioxide storage (or “sequestration”) targets.


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