Tell the Secretary of the Interior to Remove Dams on the Klamath River Now
Dams on the Klamath River must come down to restore Coho and Chinook salmon runs to their historic spawning grounds. Right now, the federal government is considering a proposal to remove the dams beginning in 2020. It is critical that government officials hear from you now to advance the restoration of the Klamath River. Please take a moment to submit your comments before the new comment deadline of December 30, 2011. We encourage you to be original, and consider EPIC’s key points to include in your comments.
EPIC encourages you to include the following points in your comments:
1. I support the immediate removal of all dams on the Klamath River and its tributaries.
2. I also support the restoration of all historic wetlands and marshes in the upper Klamath basin, including Lower Klamath Lake, Tule Lake and Upper Klamath Lake.
3. The restoration activities must also improve conditions for salmon on the Scott and Shasta Rivers.
4. In addition, I demand that an absolute minimum flow of 1,300 cubic feet per second at the Iron Gate gauge be established for the dry season. The National Marine Fisheries Service has required a minimum flow at Iron Gate pursuant to biological opinions to comply with the Endangered Species Act, and therefore the Secretary should include a minimum flow for fish.
5. Lastly, the Secretary of Interior should ensure that more water from the Trinity River stay within the watershed so that increased water flows in the dry season assist salmon migration in the Lower Klamath River.
For more details about the proposed Klamath Facilities Removal, check out: www.klamathrestoration.gov
You can submit comments online at:
You may also submit comments by sending letters directly to the following officials:
Ms. Elizabeth Vasquez
Bureau of Reclamation
2800 Cottage Way
Sacramento, CA 95825,
or by fax to 916-978-5055 or email: KlamathSD@usbr.gov
Gordon Leppig
California Department of Fish & Game
619 Second Street
Eureka, CA 95501
Or by fax to (707) 441-2021 or email: KSDcomments@dfg.ca.gov