Our nation’s old growth forests are an incredibly important climate solution. Our temperate rainforests rival tropical rainforests in terms of the amount of carbon they store per acre, and large, old trees everywhere store the majority of carbon in forests. However, these bigger, older trees are still being logged when they should be protected for carbon storage, wildlife habitat, and clean water.
We have an exciting opportunity right now to change this trajectory. Through the Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is being asked to seek public input regarding USDA’s climate strategy. This public input will be considered as USDA prepares recommendations to expand climate-smart agriculture and forestry practices and systems.
We need the US Department of Agriculture to protect our forests!
And we need YOU to tell them why!
When we protect our forests from logging, we both reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensure these forests continue to store vast amounts of carbon —a win-win climate change solution! In California, our intact forests also offer unique and critical habitat for at-risk fish and wildlife, including the marbled murrelet, salmon, and the northern spotted owl. Healthy forests also filter water to keep our streams, rivers and lakes clean and cold, and these same forests protect watersheds and communities from flooding and landslides.
Please join us in calling on the US Department of Agriculture to incorporate permanent protections for mature and old growth forests, limit post-fire logging, and protect our watersheds as part of our nation’s strategy to address climate change and protect 30 percent of land and water by 2030.